Monday, 11 June 2007


I had been looking forward to racing for ages and I was glad the day had finally come. I picked Cooper up in the morning and we were off. Not without a bit of drama I must add. My helmet inner pads and socks hadn't dried from the night before and so I had them all laying over the van heater vents with the heater on full blast. Cooper's dad had taken the Satnav and so we had to print out some directions and do it the old school way. We got there in the end with no problems and dry socks.

The track was a bit strange and definitely different. There were some nice jumps and some horrible ones, some hard packed areas and some soft sections. The start was crazy, it was very bumpy and it was very grassy. It was very slippery and everyone was struggling to get away smoothly. After two or three laps practice, Coops and I both felt like we were happy with the track.

Moto 1 - I had a really terrible start. After the first corner I had a quick glance back and confirmed my suspicions, I was dead last. I rode as hard as I could the whole race and managed to get up to ninth. I chased eighth place for about two laps and managed to pass him on the very last corner. Coops rode really well in his first moto, he had good start and chose some really good lines round the first few corners. He managed to get into third (in the A class) and maintain his position.

Moto 2 - This time my start was much better and I was mid pack going into the first corners. It was a really good but really bad moto for me. The good part was when I went for the 55-60 foot tabletop and cleared it. It felt so awesome and I surprised myself. I was also in seventh place and had two riders pressuring me the whole time which I was managing to hold off. Then things took a turn for the worst. For some reason I thought we were on the last lap so I started to slow down a bit. I was feeling very tired at this point. I came round to the finish and we weren't on the last lap. Immediately I felt deflated and ready to give up. We went round again and one of the riders passed me. I came close the finish thinking that it had to be over and only then was it the last lap. The second rider managed to pass me and I dropped to ninth. I felt really exausted at the end. I had made the mistake of assuming it was the end of the race and when that didn't happen I gave up in my mind and my body just followed. I knew the mistake I had made and didn't let it get to me. I also focused on the positives that occurred at the beginning of the moto.

Moto 3 - Sitting on the start line I did feel tired and I was starting to wonder if I was going to be able to ride properly for the entire race with out blowing. I said a prayer and made up my mind that I was going to ride hard. The gate dropped and I got a reasonable start again. I knew I was up there and straight away there was a four way battle going on. The battle went on for the entire race and I managed to get by two of the riders. I placed 6th, my best result so far. I also managed to clear the table top almost every lap and do a few other things that I hadn't managed to do before.

So the day ended well. I finished 8th overall and get a trophy, haha. I was really happy with the way I rode and happy to have accomplished my first goal of getting a top ten finish at a championship round. OC had a good day and finished 7th in the A class. Hannah was awesome, she marshaled in the afternoon and unfortunately got the worst position on the entire track. She came back and was absolutely covered in dust and dirt. I took her out for a nice meal later that night to thank her for all her effort.

A great day indeed!

1 comment:

Lee said...

Nice one Warren! Sounds like a good ride mate. Funny re the second moto - both me and Tim struggled in our 2nd races yesterday too, but both came back to post our best results of the day in the last race - you were exactly the same, so must have been that extra practice we did last week!!

Top 6 next time for you then eh?